Saturday, April 30, 2011

Dukan Diet Oat Bran

As you will discover if you read Dr. Dukan's book, oat bran is an essential daily ingredient to making a success of your diet.

But it's not just any oat bran that will do. Dr. Dukan has some very exacting requirements and while he gets the US website up and running, he hasn't made a recommendation for any particular brand of oat bran.

In my extensive research, however, I have found one oat bran that seems to fit all of Dr. Dukan's requirements; Mothers Oat Bran.

It's sold as a hot cereal, but it seems to be perfect for all Dr. Dukan's purposes, including making the delicious daily oat bran galettes for breakfast.

It may sound crazy, but I actually look forward to my oat bran galette for breakfast. OK, unless you are a fan of French food, you may not know what a "Galette" is, so here's a definition for you.

Who would have thought you could start off a strict diet regime with a tasty and delicious pancake? If you have it with some no-fat Cottage Cheese and Smoked Salmon, it's the perfect pure protein start to the day.

There is a recipe for the oat bran galette in Dr. Dukan's book, but it is not the only way to make it. Here's another recipe.

Dukan Diet Featured in the Los Angeles Times

Dukan Diet Works - 7 Days, 7 Pounds, and Feeling Great!

As one who has done almost every diet on the planet, I am delighted with the progress I have been able to achieve on Dr. Pierre Dukan's diet in the week since I started - goodbye to 7 pounds, a lot more to go, but I'm feeling really motivated.
The Dukan Diet is explained on the new US website
To give you some background, last week, I was researching diets because my self-created "sensible" diet plus exercise was achieving nothing. I had "plateaued" (to use a term many who battle with their weight will understand). I had to do something and Weight Watchers, Slim FastCookie Diet and the gym weren't going to do it for me - been there, done that - far too many times!

I needed something that was effective, structured, affordable and perhaps most importantly, capable of easy integration with my life and work schedule.

Intensive "Googling" led me to the Dukan Diet. The more I read, the more I was convinced that it was worth trying. There is plenty of information on Dr. Dukan's website, together with a calculator which tells you how much weight you need to lose and how long it will take. It looked like a plan I could live with; a four-stage approach to loosing weight over a reasonable amount of time, with a formula to guard against putting the weight back on again.

The first thing I did was to use Dr. Dukan's calculator. I am going to share the results of that calculator with you:

It's not an instant weight-loss solution, but a steady and structured program that will take me through 4 phases; fully explained in Dr. Dukan's book.

That was the second thing I did; I ordered the book.

I was in a hurry to get started and wanted the book now! Unfortunately, I found out that I was not the only one who wanted Dr. Dukan's book "now!" - it was already sold out at Barnes & Noble and Borders.

But was accepting orders and promising fairly quick delivery. So I ordered it in print and, being the impatient soul that I am, I also ordered the Kindle edition so I could start reading immediately.

Fortunately, I have a Kindle, but for those of you who do not have a Kindle, Amazon has a free Kindle App that allows you to read Kindle books on your Mac, PC, iPhone, iPad, Blackberry or Droid, there's no excuse for not getting started.

So why am I sharing all this with you?

There are a few reasons. First and foremost, I have to make it clear that am not connected with Dr. Dukan in any way, and that this blog is purely and simply of my own creation, for my own purposes. Second, from what I have read, Dr. Dukan's diet takes some commitment and dedication, and I believe that sharing my experiences as I follow his diet will strengthen my commitment to lose weight in a controlled and structured way.

Today is the seventh day of following Dr. Dukan's diet. I have completed the first phase - the Attack Phase, and I am now in the second Phase - the Cruise Phase. I have lost a total of seven pounds (3.15kg) and, according to the program, I should reach my True Weight around the end of August 2011.

There may be hiccups, challenges and obstacles on the way, but I'm determined to do it, and I hope that sharing my experiences on this blog will motivate me, and perhaps others, to lose weight permanently.

I've though about "going public" with what many regard as a private matter, but I think this could be the best way of reaching my goal, so here goes!